Why a podcast about Initiations?

I’ve already recorded a few of the first episodes and I am so thrilled at how this conversation & the stories about Initiation is taking shape.  

So WHY am I doing a podcast about Initiations & Rites of Passage??

Working with people in these threshold moments seems to be a golden thread through the many different ways I offer service to people from my early days of floral design for weddings to attending festivals & workshops for rites of passage to working with women of all ages & stages.  

I’m bringing this subject to the light because I have been having so many conversations about this in trainings, with friends & clients. 

My hope is that this podcast serves as a means to collectively share, learn & understand what we can do to be better in community about honoring these moments in our lives in a way that adds value, depth, meaning and connection.  

Initiations are the potent times of our lives that often shape us into who we are, what we value and why we do what we do. 

These are the portals we pass through that create change in us personally & collectively.  

Who we become often occurs in an initiation process and I want to talk with you about it.  

When I say initiation & rites of passage here are some of of the experiences I’m talking about:

coming of age, 


becoming a parent, 

transitioning to menopause, 

starting new work, 

completing a job, 


losing a loved one, 

doing a creative project, 

traveling, ceremony, festivals, 

and the ultimate transition we will all eventually face: death. 

In the podcast, we’ll weave story and conversation asking: 

🦋How have these potent moments of your life changed you? 

🦋How have they shaped you?  

🦋How have they caused you to reevaluate your why?  

🦋How have they catalyzed & alchemized your former ways of being into who you are today?  

I have experienced the healing power of conscious initiation & rites or passage and suffered the consequences of not knowing or being aware of how to honor the thresholds I’ve passed through.

We’ll be deep diving into what these potent portals mean to our lives personally & collectively.  

We’ll also be exploring how to bring more awareness & honoring to these moments that shape us.  

By consciously preparing & practicing for these initiations we can become skilled in supporting ourselves and loved ones through these portals to gain healing, empowerment, closure, celebration and understanding…just to name a few things you may receive…

So do you have an INITIATION or RITE OF PASSAGE Story to share with us?  

If so please email me and get on my schedule…I can’t wait to hear your powerful story!


The three stages of initiation