The Original Biomat™.
Experience the magic of the original Far Infrared Heat Negative Ion Amethyst Biomat & start feeling better today
Some of the benefits you may experience by using the Biomat™:
Reduces stress and fatigue
Soothes and relaxes nervous system
Supports the immune system
Improves sleep (if associated with pain relief)
Reduced inflammation (where applied)
Increased tissue oxygen (due to increased circulation where applied)
Provides such muscle relaxation that you may sleep better, if you have experienced occasional difficulty sleeping.
Relaxation of muscles
Increase of local circulation where applied
Temporary relief of:
Minor muscle pain
Minor joint pain and stiffness
Joint pain associated with arthritis
Muscle spasms
Minor sprains
Minor strains
Minor muscular back pain
What is the original Biomat™?
The Richway BioMat® technology uses a combination of far infrared rays, negative ion and the conductive properties of amethyst. These three powerful health enhancers are combined in a single, easy-to-use product with remarkable benefits.
It’s a safe and natural way to own the ability to enjoy life for years to come with FDA approved temporary relief from minor spasms, minor sprains, minor strains, minor joint pain associated with arthritis, minor muscle pain and more.
This highly effective therapy is now available to medical professionals and home consumers who want to improve health and well-being with products based on Nobel prize-winning scientific research pioneered by NASA and developed using pure, natural materials.
Negative Ions ~ Health Benefits
• Decreased blood pressure
• Improved energy levels and focus
• Improved sleep by normalizing serotonin production
• Relieved headaches and migraines
• Relieved stress, exhaustion, and irritability
• Relieved depression and SAD
• Eliminated certain types of viruses and bacteria
• Regulated the autonomic nervous system 110;
• Improved mental functioning
• Sped recovery from physical exertion
• Improved cognitive functioning
• Neutralized free radicals
• Alkalized and purified the blood
• Strengthened the immune system
• Increased antioxidants in the body to help fight Infections
Psychological Medicine, v35 n7 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, Aug 1982 Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research, Pierce J. Howard Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 1995 v1 n1
The information on this panel comes from published findings (listed above), independent of any particular company or product and are not to be considered product claims, as prohibited by the FDA.
Far Infrared Heat ~ Health Benefits
• Reduced pain, stiffness, and fatigue in arthritis patients
• Improved cardiac/vascular function
• Reduced inflammation
• Inhibited growth of certain types of cancer
• Increased circulation and blood flow
• Improved health in diabetic patients
• Significantly reduced pain
• Relief of menstrual pain and discomfort
• Reduction of muscle soreness
• Weight reduction
• Repaired damaged cells after ionizing radiation from an x-ray source
• Significantly increased wound healing
• Increased collagen content • Increased oxygenation
Numerous studies have shown that cancerous cells die between 104° and 110° provided the heat therapy (hyperthermia) penetrates the cancerous cells deep in the tissues of the body.
Why Amethyst Crystals?
When using the Biomat, you are immersing yourself in the healing properties of amethyst and tourmaline crystals. Amethyst is found to have high resonance and absorption, allowing strong vibrations to penetrate deep into the body. The body's innate ability to entrain with this resonance awakens the body's inherent intelligence, brings it back into balance, and increases it's capacity to heal.
Is the Biomat™ safe for everyone?
The Biomat™ is safe for most people to use. Check with your doctor to see if your specific health conditions would NOT benefit.
Special precaution is needed for people who experience insensitivity to heat, acute skin rashes/conditions, post surgery, pacemaker, recent chemotherapy.
Is it covered by my insurance?
We can discuss options for seeking reimbursement for purchasing a Biomat.
If you have an FSA/HSA account you can use the funds in there to purchase a Biomat.
Your physician may also be able to write you a prescription for it since it is an FDA approved medical device for in home.
How many sizes does it come in?
The professional Biomat™ is the main size that most people buy which fits on a bed, massage table or futon.
They also make a Mini mat which is half sized, and one in Twin, Queen & King for your bed.